IEC@OCC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Yes, IEC students can apply to stay at The Harbour if they will attend OCC after finishing at IEC@OCC. Students need to stay for an academic year to apply to stay at The Harbour.
Please add IEC@OCC staff emails to your “trusted email” list so you will not miss our emails. If our emails are not listed on your “trusted email” list, they might go into your spam folder.
Do not buy your flight ticket or make plans to enter the U.S. for IEC@OCC until you receive your student visa from the U.S. Embassy. You also need to pay attention to the “earliest date for admission” on IEC@OCC I-20 when you make plans to enter the U.S.
If you receive your student visa, pay attention to the “earliest date for admission” on IEC@OCC I-20. This date shows the earliest you are allowed to enter the U.S. You cannot enter the U.S. before the earliest date for admission indicated on the I-20.
We strongly recommend students take the IEC placement test after applying so they know their IEC level. If you plan to apply to the IEC for the next available session, you should take the placement test after submitting the IEC application.
*If you apply to IEC@OCC more than 3 months in advance, you should check with IEC staff for the best time to take the placement test.
By taking the IEC placement test, you will know how long they need to study at IEC before they can complete the IEC Advanced B level to meet the OCC English requirement.
IEC@OCC students are not allowed to work while taking classes with IEC@OCC. This includes working on campus and off campus. After you finish at IEC@OCC and get accepted to the OCC credit program, you may work on campus as a student assistant if you find a job on the OCC campus.
When you arrive in the U.S., we will help you make your IEC@OCC student ID card after the IEC orientation. Unfortunately, we do not issue electronic student ID cards.
- All F-1 visa international students must purchase medical insurance from OCC each session. Medical insurance is added to the cost of tuition and must be paid within the first week of the session.
- Insurance waivers are available for students with an F-1 visa studying on a scholarship from their home country, including medical insurance. For more information, visit the OCC Student Health Center Website.
- Please reference the IEC@OCC insurance brochure for details on the insurance coverage.
- Insurance should be purchased as soon as you receive your F-1 visa and before entering the U.S. Transfer students MUST purchase health insurance before enrolling in classes.
IEC students will have a student ID number but will not use MyCoast account until after they complete their IEC@OCC program and get accepted to Orange Coast College (OCC) credit program.
IEC@OCC international students are not eligible for a social security number (SSN). Students do not need a social security number to open a bank account or apply for a driver's license or open a U.S. phone or rent an apartment.
*A Social Security Number (SSN) is an identification number meant only for tax purposes, to track income and determine benefits. International students holding an F-1 visa are not eligible for an SSN unless approved for employment. The SSN is not a work authorization. Just because you have an SSN does not mean you are eligible to work in the United States.
Students need to have a valid passport, visa, I-20, and funds to open a U.S. bank account.
Visit the following link Guides for international students, under “Driving in the U.S.” for detailed information.
If your question is not listed here, please send your questions to the IEC@OCC team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we will get back to you as soon as we can.